NCERT Exemplars Solutions

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Ch 1: Chemical Reactions and Equations
Ch 2: Acids, Bases and Salts
Ch 3: Metals and Non-metals
Ch 4: Carbon and its Compounds
Ch 5: Life Processes
Ch 6: Control and Coordination
Ch 7: How do Organisms Reproduce?
Ch 8: Heredity
Ch 9: Light – Reflection and Refraction
Ch 10: The Human Eye and the Colourful World
Ch 11: Electricity
Ch 12: Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Ch 13: Our Environment
Ch 1: Real Numbers
Ch 2: Polynomials
Ch 3: Pair of Linear Equation in Two Variable
Ch 4: Quadratic Equations
Ch 5: Arithmetic Progressions
Ch 6: Triangles
Ch 7: Coordinate Geometry
Ch 8 & 9: Introduction to Trigonometry & Some Applications of Trigonometry
Ch 10: Circles
Ch 11: Areas Related To Circles
Ch 12: Surface Areas and Volumes
Ch 13 & 14: Statistics and Probability